Safety Products
Whether it’s OSHA’s 29 CFR 1910, NFPA 70E IEC’s 62061, ISO’s 13849-1 the requirement to design manufacturing equipment that increases productivity while providing the highest level of quality and safety for workers is mission critical. PCC has the machine safety products and application knowledge to help meet your organization’s objectives. PCC’s machine safety portfolio is comprised of leading manufacturers such as Siemens, Carlo Gavazzi, Cementex, Grace Technologies, IDEM Safety Switches, Larco, Leuze, Meltric, Pizzato and Velox. providing fail-safe PLC & distributed I/O, safety strips, light barriers, light curtains, laser scanners, PROFIsafe, ASI-Safe, safety relays and switch rated plug & receptacles technologies.
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Machine Safety Product News
Application Note: Industrial Machinery and Surge Protective Devices
The requirement is in Article 670.6 and reads: “Industrial machinery with safety interlock circuits shall have surge protection installed.” This application note will examine the code requirements and definitions. It is intended to help engineers at machinery builders and the associated control panel builders understand the requirements and make recommendations to them in implementation.
New IDEM SKORPION Trapped Key Exchange System
ALL-in-ONE Stainless Steel 316 Trapped Single Key Solenoid Release with Rear Release, Request Button and Emergency Stop Button.
Whitepaper: Five Steps to Safer Machines
Competent support throughout the entire lifecycle provides protection for worker and line alike. Click below to read the whitepaper. Specific drive control requirements for test stands With an innovative and comprehensive safety technology and product...
IDEM Tensioner Gripper Rope Connectivity System Install
IDEM Tension Gripper Robe Connectivity See how easy this install can be! Step by step instructional video for installation of IDEM Safety Switches "Rope Tensioner Gripper System". Once you have used this system to install Rope Safety Switches we strongly believe you...
IDEM UGB-KLT Universal Gate Box with Safety Interlocking
The all new IDEM Universal Gate Boxes (UGB-KLT) provide high level RFID coded interlocking and machine control functions in one heavy duty housing. They can be easily fitted to access doors to provide guard locking, rear escape options and sliding or rotary handles...
Protect Workers from Arc Flash – A video message from Meltric
When a company experiences an arc flash accident the costs can be enormous and related injuries can be tragic. According to OSHA, employers have a legal obligation to proactively assess workplace hazards and take steps to protect workers. Failure to do so can result...
NFPA Safety Keynote Presentation
2016 Keynote: “NFPA for Safety’s Sake” NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) is an organization that publishes a comprehensive set of codes, standards and guidelines for fire protection, electrical safety and construction safety. Founded in 1896, the NFPA has...
Smart Motor Control with SIMOCODE pro Safety
SIMOCODE pro SIMOCODE pro is the flexible and modular motor control system for low-voltage motors. It can easily and directly be connected to automation systems via PROFIBUS or PROFINET and covers all functional requirements between the...
New Safety Laser Scanner – RSL 400
Maximum performance with minimum effort! It has never been easier to use a safety laser scanner than with the new RSL 400. In spite of exceptional performance characteristics, mounting, alignment and operation are unmatched in this...